
The socio-cultural context of poor fishermen’s defense (case study on the poor fishermen family in Tanjungtiram village north Moramo district of south Konawe regency)

The objective of this reserach was to explore the socio-cultural context that underlying the defense of poor fishermen in Tanjung Tiram Village North Moramo District of South Konawe Regency. This research used qualitative approach that showed the poor fishermen were not in a vacuum world, but they were in a social habitat with full of values and norms that made as a reference to do an action. The socio-cultural context includes the economic resources aspect, the cultural aspect, and the structural aspect that gave feature toward thepoor fishermen’s defense. The cconomic resources aspect was about the ownership and control of limited production tools, low education and skills, and also the condition of coastal natural resources around the village that wasdeclining. The cultural aspect was about habitual and lifestyle of fishermen society which highly depend on natural condition, values in going to the sea which put togetherness and harmony of nature rather than the encouragement of s

Political behavior of muhammadiyah as dialectic of structure and action

This study aimed to understand the socio-politic situation as the source of the political behavioral change of Muhammadiyah post-new order regime and to analyze factors that contribute to that political behavioral change. This study used qualitative approach by perceiving the political behavior changes of Muhammadiyah post-new order regime through the logical inductive scheme and appropriate attention to the socio-political context situation. The result of this study shows that more transparent of political system, nonconductive condition pf socio-politics for implementation of reformation programs and doubtful role of political party condition in society politics education, and internal dynamics of Muhammadiyah which are more predominated by intellectual than Muslim Scholar are factors of political behavior friction of Muhammadiyah from accomodative-cooperative to more transparent, critic, and corrective. Meanwhile the duality of structure of Giddens does not fully comply empirical

Teori dan Kehidupan Sehari-Hari

Studi formal mengenai teori sosiologi tidak dimulai dalam ruang kelas. Sadar atau tidak semua orang sebenarnya berteori. Orang yang paling erat hubungannya dengan kegiatan praktek sekalipun, seperti seorang pengacara yang membela perkara dan memperingatkan hakim agar tetap berpegang pada fakta, harus menginterpretasikan fakta sehingga relevan baginya, ini adalah proses berteori. Berteori dengan memberikan interpretasi itu sangatlah penting, karena perlu untuk menjelaskan peristiwa. Betapapun suasana yang kita hadapi baik atau buruk, kita harus jelaskan kepada diri kita sendiri atau kepada orang lain, “mengapa demikian”. Caranya ialah dengan jalan menghubungkan situasi sekarang dengan pengalaman atau keputusan-keputusan yang sudah kita berikan di masa lampau, pengaruh-pengaruh sosial atau tekanan-tekanan dari orang lain, krisis-krisis yang umumnya dihadapi pada waktu itu, atau hambatan-hambatan yang tersedia dalam waktu itu. Orang tua berusaha menjelaskan mengapa anak-anaknya menan